1.5 (2018/10/01)
- Fixed: author counting types (eg. Referral visits, Publisher bonus...) sometimes not shown in payment notifications.
- Fixed: broken subject live preview.
1.4 (2018/08/24)
- Fixed: user emails may sometimes be swapped, resulting in user A receiving email of user B and viceversa. Only happened when several users were paid all together.
1.3.2 (2017/10/01)
- Fixed: preview not working correctly if no payment transaction were ever recorded.
- Fixed: improved error handling.
1.3.1 (2017/05/30)
- Fixed: not working with PayPal payments.
- Fixed: avoid update notice being shown even after update has just happened.
1.3 (2017/05/15)
- New: {paid_posts_list} tag, lists posts paid in the transaction.
- New: template tags class allows to easily add more email placeholders.
- Fixed: csv download link would not work.
1.2 (2017/03/24)
- Tweak: payment breakdown section now has bit of a style (border).
- Tweak: csv export changed from URL to link.
- Fixed: issues with new lines and empty lines in email body.
- Fixed: textarea and option below stuck together.
- Tweak: enlarged preview window.
- Tweak: updated plugin description.
- Tweak: license key is displayed in License box.
1.1 (2017/03/04)
- Feature: added ability to include link to csv file with details of paid posts (requires PRO version 1.6.9).
1.0 (2017/01/30)
- Initial release.