1. Does a single license work for my multisite installation with 2 billion websites?
Well, no. One public website, one license. If you need it to work on more than one website, even though they are handled by the same WordPress installation, you either need an unlimited license or a 2-5 websites one. Which one, depends on the number of websites you want it to work with.
2. How do I set Google Analytics up and use it?
We have a tutorial exactly for that.
3. Analytics visits data seems inaccurate. How can I troubleshoot?
First of all, check if the plugin error log (Post Pay Counter > Options > Error log) has any Analytics-related errors.
Then enable the debug mode, import the data anew and inspect the file post-pay-counter-pro/temp/ppcp_ga.log to see what happened exactly during the import.
To enable the debug mode, from PRO version 1.8.8 it is enough to head to Post Pay Counter > Options > Google Analytics/Adsense Settings > Debug mode and tick the related checkbox.
For older versions, open your post-pay-counter-pro/post-pay-counter-pro.php file and around line 62 replace
define(‘PPCP_ANALYTICS_DEBUG’, false);
define(‘PPCP_ANALYTICS_DEBUG’, true);
Remember to turn the debug off once you are done, as the log file can get insanely big.
4. How do I set PayPal up and use it?
We have a tutorial exactly for that.
5. How do I use the shortcode?
We have a tutorial exactly for that. Follows a brief summary.
The shortcode to display stats in a static public page is [ppc]. With no parameters, the plugin will show the same stats as if you went to the stats page: general, default time ranged stats. If you want detailed stats (specific for an author), use author=your_author_id
. You can use author="current"
for a dynamic page that will show detailed stats for the user who opens the page. For example, [ppc author=1] will show stats for author with user id 1 for the default time range. If you want a different time range, specify its unix timestamp time start an time end with tstart=timestamp
and tend=timestamp
. An example would be [ppc author=1 tstart=1388534400 tend=1388538800]. You may want to exclude some cols from displaying: it’s enough to list them in the parameter exclude=”your_cols”; you can separate them with the delimiter you prefer. [ppc author=1 exclude="post_id, post_publication_date"] will show stats for user 1 excluding post id and publication date. Finally, you can use display_timerange=0
to hide the time range. Marking posts as paid and payment history features are not available in shortcoded stats.
Valid col names for general stats are: author_id, author_name, author_total_payment, author_due_payment; while for detailed stats are: post_id, post_title, post_type, post_status, post_publication_date, post_words_count, post_visits_count, post_images_count, post_comments_count, post_total_payment, post_due_payment.
6. Is Post Pay Counter PRO compatible with caching plugins?
Yes, see here.
7. I can’t see that marking as paid of yours, where have you hidden it?!
That’s probably because permissions are not set up the right way, check permission settings.
8. I don’t want to see stats while editing a post, how do I get rid of the box?
Go to a post editing page, click on Screen Options in the upper right corner and untick the Post Pay Counter item. It can also be collapsed as well, just click on its title.
9. I have installed the plugin, but nothing new show up, you thief!
That’s probably because you don’t have the latest version of Post Pay Counter active. If you do, then drop us a line anytime and we’ll help you as soon as we can!
10. What about uninstall? Is it like every other plugin?
Well, kind of. You can delete the plugin from WordPress plugins page, but first you’d better deactivate your license, so that you will be able to use on other websites, and revoke Google Analytics integration if you had set it up, to clear up its data from the database. Both these actions can be done by the Post Pay Counter options page.
11. Can I become an affiliate?
Sure, contact us!