Post Pay Counter PRO is an addon to Post Pay Counter which helps you to compute and track your writers’ payments and implement a revenue sharing model in your business.
Mark as paid and review past payments
You want to know how much money you owe each author every month and how much you have already paid, without double paying past posts. That’s exactly what Post Pay Counter PRO enables you to do.
You can say goodbye to the nightmare of doing the math every time, because when you mark a post as paid, its payment will not be considered in the future. This way you always have a clear figure of how much you have to pay each writer. Never mind about your accountancy, the plugin takes care of it for you! (Tutorial)
You can also review past transactions through a detailed payment history, so that you can always know when you paid who for what.
Pay directly through PayPal
You can pay your writers directly from the stats page with PayPal through a handy button. The plugin never stores your credentials: you input them upon each payment. (Tutorial)
You can also add the desired currency symbol before or after payments, so that authors always know what currency you are paying them with.
Display stats wherever you want
With a lot of sites not granting users access to wp-admin, a method is needed so that authors can see their stats while still being out of the admin area.
We have a shortcode to do that just that: display stats in public pages (and wherever else suits your needs). You can even exclude some columns from display and tweak what gets displayed. There is also a shortcode for author payment history. (Tutorial)
Integrate with Matomo and Plausible Analytics 
Use visits data coming either from Matomo or Plausible Analytics to pay writers basing on how many times their posts were viewed. (Tutorial Matomo, Tutorial Plausible).
Compatible both with the managed versions and with self-hosted instances.
Export stats
Whatever you can see in stats, you can also download it as a csv file. This is ideal if you need to consult stats offline or you would like to store them on your drive.
Award payment bonus
Assign a special bonus to single posts. Sometimes a tip is needed for a great post, some other times a bad posts should be penalized: both needs can be achieved: just enter the amount you would like to be added/subtracted from the total payment.
See stats in post editing page
Post stats can be displayed in the post edit page. This is nice for authors to have so they immediately know how much their post is worth while writing it.
Individual posts can even be excluded from stats through a simple checkbox. Post stats box can be selectively displayed/hidden to certain users.
Priority support
Get as fast as we can support, with priority over free users.
First of all, make sure you have the latest release of Post Pay Counter installed and active. As soon as you purchase Post Pay Counter PRO, you will get an email with the download link and your license key: download the plugin through that link, extract the zip and upload its content (the whole post-pay-counter-pro folder) to your WordPress wp-content/plugins folder. Now head over to your website plugins list page, look for Post Pay Counter PRO and activate it. Finally, go to Post Pay Counter > Options > License status, paste your license key in the apt field and hit Submit. You’re done: your license has been activated and you can now enjoy all the PRO features (after refreshing the Options page)!
We are always here to help you! And guess what: we always take extra care of our dear Post Pay Counter PRO users. Drop us a line anytime and we’ll help you as soon as we can (we are based in Italy, so expect some delays due to time zone differences)! However, take a second to look at the FAQs: we may have answered your question already.